As one of the pioneers in straw bale construction, I founded the company Stroh&Lehm in Austria over 20 years ago (, but since handing over the company a few years ago, I have specialized in the educational sector. I give lectures, I am always a guest lecturer at various universities (FH-Salzburg, Uni Linz, TU-Graz, ILEK-Stuttgart) or offer straw building workshops for educational institutions but also organized by me. Furthermore, I accompany builders, architects and executing companies (e.g. master carpenters & master builders) in the planning and construction phase.
There are now over 60 straw projects that I have been involved in over the years!
Virko Kade

one straw revolution –
The name comes from the book title of the first work (1978) of the Japanese microbiologist and farmer Masanobu Fukuoka. From his Taoist tradition, he asked himself in relation to agriculture what he could leave out (Wu Wei principle) and how he could work with the forces of nature instead of against them. This resulted in revolutionary approaches with no-till farming and incredible yields. Around the same time, the founder of permaculture Bill Mollison in Australia came up with similar approaches. It is always about sustainable forms of living and farming. How can I achieve maximum yield with minimum energy input without destroying the livelihood of future generations?